Reading Brock Yetso's post of the
Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults , one sentence really stuck with me: "It’s all in how you FIGHT that really counts!"
If that's the way we measure their fight, they all were winners: they fought back with tons of determination for as long as they could. They were persistent and lived gracefully with no regrets. They inspired the people around them, and passed on values we are trying to install in our everyday life.
"Cancer is a ruthless, uninvited, deceitful, rude, and cheating opponent but it is an opponent that can be beat over time. It doesn’t follow any rules and it will continue to invade all of our lives. It doesn’t care who you are, who you love or what you have to live for – it cheats and steals until it feels it has been victorious." (Brock Yetso)
I am pretty sure that everyone can relate to that passage, even more so when you lost a loved one to cancer. But just like Brock, I don't think cancer really is victorious. We lost way too many friends and loved ones to cancer, but without those people/their fights/their legacies/their sufferings/their deaths, we wouldn't be as determined to fight back as we are today. We wouldn't hate cancer as much as we do. We wouldn't be as inspired as we are because of them.
It hurts like hell to lose someone to cancer. But we need to turn this hate into something productive to honor their lives and legacies. Since they are no longer physically able to fight back, we need to step in and fight back for them.
There will be times when it seems we are still losing, there will be times of hope, there will be times when nothing seems to go forward. Yet, "we need to be able to be proud of the performance we gave and be able to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move on to the next challenge."
In memory and in honor of all our cancer angels, I will ride the 2011 Philly LIVE
STRONG Challenge in August. I will wear the names of cancer angels (and warriors), written on cancer ribbons, on my jersey to honor their fight, celebrate the impact they still have on the fight against cancer and thank them for their continuing inspiration.
If you can, please consider a small donation to my fundraising page ( in honor, support or memory of someone who inspired you in this global cancer fight. Donations to LIVESTRONG are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law in the U.S. and I'll send you a personal thank you note after the Challenge weekend!