May 9, 2008

Livestrong Day, May 13th 2008

May 13th is LIVESTRONG Day. There are tons of events all around the globe- and here are just a few examples organized by people I am honored to call my friends. Some events are still waiting for approval, so I’ll hopefully get to expand the list within the next days.

If you want to participate in the fight against cancer on this special day, but can't visit any of these events, you can either plan your own event, or consider making a small donation.

You can also register for the Livestrong Challenge. If you plan on attending the Austin Challenge, please join our team 08 Cancer Warriors by clicking on “Join Our Team”, agree to the waiver and then fill out your personal information.

Please note: All participants must pay $50 at the time of registration. However, if you join on Livestrong Day -May,13th 2008- and enter a code that will be displayed here, you'll get 50% off, so it'll only be a $25 registration fee.

For a complete list of events, please go to: View all Livestrong Day 2008 events

  • LIVESTRONG DAY Evening Dining at "SOBO american bistro"- Boulder, CO

SOBO american bistro
Boulder, CO
5:00 pm-midnight

An evening fine dining in the relaxed yet elegant atmosphere, in one of newest and nicest restaurants in Boulder, CO, for cancer survivors, and cyclists to raise awareness of cancer advocacy and survivorship.

  • LiveSTRONG Day Unity Walk

Roosevelt's Billiards Bar and Grill
Farmington Hills, MI
5:30 pm-10:00 pm

Wear Yellow and join us for a Family walk through our neighborhood. The walk will start and end at Beechview Elementary School; located at the end of Westmeath Street in the Kimberly subdivision. Start time for the walk is 5:30 pm. Following the walk, dinner, drinks and games at Roosevelt's Billiards Bar and Grill (under 21 allowed untill 9:00pm). Roosevelt's will donate a portion of the nights proceeds to the LAF.

  • LIVESTRONG Day on the New Hampshire Seacost

Synergy Health & Fitness Center, Exeter Hospital
Exeter, NH

05/13/2008 2:00 pm-6:00 pm

Healing Arts Class Exhibit led by Kathleen Robbins MFA
Tuesday, May 13, 4:00 to 6:00 PM

Synergy Health & Fitness Center
5 Alumni Drive
Exeter, NH

  • Livestrong Day Pampered Chef Show- San Antonio, TX

Stoneybrook Apartments Club Room
San Antonio, TX
7pm- 9:30pm

A Pampered Chef fundraising show to benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation via the Livestrong Challenge. We will cook healthy meals and have the opportunity to order Pampered Chef cookware as well as hear about the message of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I'm going to try to have a silent auction during the event also.

  • Vicky Fletcher's Cookies for a Cure Bake Sale (she is the LIVESTRONG™ Local Army Leader Utah Valley).

WHERE: In Front of The Orem Wal-Mart SuperCenter, 1355 S SANDHILL RD, Orem, Utah.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • LIVESTRONG! Cycling Spinning for Cancer Awareness- Seattle, WA

Puget Sound Plaza Sidewalk
Seattle, WA
11:30am-1.30 pm

Come join in as I ride my bike on a stationary trainer in downtown Seattle, raising awareness of the Livestrong efforts to support cancer survivorship. You can cheer us on, join in the spinning (just bring your bike and stationary trainer), or drop by to pick up LIVESTRONG Literature. It was a great event last year, so please drop by to provide support! Please contact me if you are interested!

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