Jul 16, 2007

Philly Challenge mentioned in Today Show - Update

First of all, I have to say that personally I do not like bull fights in French or Spanish arenas or events like the pamplona running with the bulls. I think it's both dangerous and against animal rights. I did not post this to glorify this event or the participants of the event. The LAF received upset letters following the Today Shows segment, so I felt like I'd have to mention this.

Secondly, what I think is the great part of this story was that one of the brothers celebrated his 1-year remission of testicular cancer and that he will participate in the Philly Challenge to be an active person in the fight against cancer, as well as try to get more people to register or volunteer for the Challenge. If this post or the segment from the Today show was misleading to some of you, I deeply regret it.

We are all working towards a common goal in the fight against cancer, so please consider making a donation- small or large. There's a link included in the Honor Roll, and every donation will be highly appreciated- plus a donation to my fundraising page also gives you one or more raffle tickets (for donations of $5 or more) to win some great prizes (including signed and gameworn basketball shoes from Dirk Nowitzki as well as Livestrong Challenge items), there are also some incentives for different levels of donations mentioned a little lower on this blog.

Thank you for your attention- I hope you'll join our endeavor!

Two brothers that are participating in the Philly Challenge were featured on the Today Show this morning.

They both ran in the Pamplona 'running with the bulls' (a 400 year old tradition that generates both fear and excitement in partipants and bystanders)
and were injured (but are doing okay in a hospital in Spain). One of the brothers just celebrated his 1-year remission from testicular cancer. Both were planning to run in the Philly Livestrong Challenge, but will now be walking instead. He and his brother are Team Dos Hermanos, and they encouraged people to sign up to ride, run or volunteer.

click here to watch the video

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